Saturday, May 2, 2009

Welcome to My WORLD!!!!

A blog.....a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.

OH a blog, why should I not have one?!?!?! Everyone needs something crazy and fun to read during work when they don't want to be working. Facebook can only take up some much of your workday. ( 10 years when I am looking over all my old blogs if facebook is still around all I will be able to say is WOW)

I did blog for a while on xanga, which was 5 years ago and I can say it is still around but no one uses it. AND I think I had some pretty good stuff on there. So for the first few post I might just pull from there to keep everyone reading. Also in the past I have made fun of blogging a great deal. Calling it the stay at home mom thing to do. HEE HEE HEE, my bad, you know I love all you stay at home moms!!!!

But really this should be good a place to come for a quick laugh. I am this crazy 30 year old kid, yes I did say kid. I enjoy life in a different way then most. I can't really put that way into words but maybe after you read a couple of my post then you can help me explain it. And because of that different way of enjoying my life I do have many a good stories to tell. Between my cartoon dreams, my head injuries, my many wonderful friends and family, and my great dog named Zibby, there is a lot to keep everyone coming back for more. I hope to not use this to share my feelings or preach to anyone or as a place to go off about my day. Rather I hope to use this blog to show people the joy of life and all they can do out there if they just relax a little and live like we did when we were young.

So on this day in 2009 when the fear of swine flu is amongst us, I just want to close with this. Miss Piggy is a diva, best believe her, you see her, she getting paid!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'll show you my blog if you show me yours. I too used to make fun of bloggers and now I am wondering if I have the time and enough voices in my head to start putting them on the web. ;) Good seeing you Friday at the Arts Fest. - Clint
