Thursday, May 7, 2009

Dancing in Wal-Mart

I don't know what it is but going to Wal-mart always makes me want to sing and dance!! I love when I find a good deal on something I do a little Irish jig. But really it does not matter if I find a good deal or not, it is like with every new aisle comes a new song to my head. And a new dance move that looks really bad because I can not dance at all. I am sure people thing I am one crazy shopper but I don't care at all. I like to say my life is a musical, so let us all sing and DANCE! So next time you are out and about at a wal-mart look for the crazy red head dancing down the aisle.

In other random news today UCLA researchers create world's smallest light bulb.
That my friends has nothing to do with me, but maybe one day I will need the world's smallest light bulb to go into my world's smallest flashlight. And when that day comes I am happy to know there will be a bulb waiting for me.

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