I have a good friend, Abby, SHOUT OUT TO YOU GIRL, go read her blog it is FUN http://www.abbyed.blogspot.com/. And she wrote about Facebook status earlier this week, and I had to agree with her 100%. Facebook was never meant to be a serious place folks. Twitter is more serious, and where you need to give us your political views and cry to the world. Facebook is were the fun people play.
So today we will have a quick Status 101 lesson. I have looked back at my statuses throughout the past 2 and half years. (Yes you can do that I know it is amazing what technology can do these days.) And I have learned that my top five favorite words to say are:
1. day used : 17x
2. dog used : 13x
3. fun used : 11x
4. good used : 11x
5. really used : 10x
What does this show us, well not much but that I like to talk about my day and dog a WHOLE BUNCH! BUT look at number 3 and 4, it is clear that I talk more about fun and good things rather then things that bring people down. Random fun is what Facebook is all about and keeping up with long lost friends. Let me give you some examples of the random fun that pops in my head that winds up on my Facebook status:
I may not be smart, good looking, or rich, BUT I am available!!!!!
I wish the candy machine would take pennies! I have a lot of pennies, what do they have against pennies?
Is pretty sure God wanted some of us to just be round!
Learned that trying to do a tornado drill with you dog is not an easy thing. But we are now ready for ANYTHING!!!!
Who needs friends when you have a goat that loves you!
Is not feeling so good, But gosh my hair looked good today!!!
Got bucked off a chicken, oh yes I did!!!!
Oh Taco Villa Hot Sauce you get me EVERY TIME!!!!
Has on her business socks, because it's business time!
Says "don't get involved with drugs, just fill your life with hugs!
All I am saying is have a good time with Facebook and life my friends. Life is to short to stress out about everything and then tell everyone about it. Go on, thank of something random and pop it on your Facebook, it will make you feel better and many others that read it.
I love to read your status updates! I wish everyone would follow your example - wouldn't it be fun to read?