Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Glad I grew up in the Stone-Age

My mom said something pretty funny to me the other day. She was telling me about how a parent was complaining about how her son was texting without her permission. And my mom said, "All I could think about was how happy I was that you were raised in the stone-age. Before cell-phones and all other computer junk!"

I got a pretty good laugh out of that, because if you do think about it us children of the 80s really did not have all the craziness that is out there on the technology side these days. Which I have to say I am glad that I grew up in the 80s. The years of simple video games, board games and the excitement of getting a phone call or even your own phone line. That meant you were responsible when you had your own phone line in my house!

At this time I would like to take a moment of silence for the Sony Walkman who was put to rest just a few weeks ago. I will never forget my first cassette tape and my first walkman, my you rest in peace!

My parents were pretty lucky, I never have been much of a phone talker. I say it is because I am a little ADD and talking on the phone would get boring to me after a while. BUT if texting was around when I was a teenager, well then they would have had problems. Texting is short and to the point for me. And I have to think when I am typing everything out so that keeps me active in the discussion.

Now I don't have kids but I do have nephews and a niece and I am an adoptive aunt to many of my friends children. It is crazy to me when these parents tell me the story of how their two year old ask if they can text their dad. Or when my brother told me the story of how my nephew at two years old could go on their computer log his parents out and log onto under the special section they set up for him. Also I work with teenagers at church, so I see how cellphones and computer junk has taken over their life as well.

I guess what I am saying over all, I think I was pretty lucky to be raised the decades I was raised in. Yea a lot of things would have been easier with the stuff we have now. BUT learning how to do things the hard way has made me a better person.

For now bust out that Walkman or CD player if you still have one!!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Forever A Daddy's Girl

I have always been a daddy's girl. I have no shame in saying it, he has been my main go to guy for 32 years now. When I was a baby, my mom always says how I would stay up late with Dad as he watched TV. And as I got older seeing my dad on the sidelines at all my games and practices made me play better, I like to think. And now in my 30s if something breaks, I try to fix it first, but I usually wind up calling my daddy. I had to do that three time this past weekend. The funny thing is after I called him, the silly problem started to fix it's self.

This all got me to thinking about how I am also a daddy's girl with my Father up in Heaven, BUT I am not as quick to call him when I need something fixed as I am my earthly father. Here on earth I try to fix everything myself. BUT unlike here I don't give up as easy. This weekend when things broke I called my dad within 5 mins of me not being able to fix the darn thing. Why am I not that quick to call on my Heavenly Father? I fear it is a little because of doubt. When I call daddy here on earth I see him come RIGHT to the rescue and make it all better. But with my Lord, I can not always see the changes that are happening to make things better.

In my reading this morning, James 1:6 says "But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind." How about that folks, first off I need to ask and then when I do I need to believe. Sounds pretty simple right! Yet I feel I will be that wave on the sea tossed around still. The great thing is I know that the Lord will always be there for this girl. Even when I take my time asking for help.

I guess what I am saying is it is okay to be a daddy's girl her on earth. BUT don't forget that there is one BIG DADDY up above that for sure can fix things, we just need to come to him sooner than later!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ode to Cereal

Oh Cereal how I do enjoy thee
You make my day oh so lovely

I love to eat you in the morning while watching reruns of Saved By the Bell
I love to eat you at lunch with the Soaps that can make people yell
I love to eat you at dinner when I have no money
AND I love to eat you late at night, because I don't have a honey

Oh Cereal you complete me!

An original by: Amanda Reeves

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Cow was Going to EAT ME!!!!

I just got a call that my great Uncle J passed away today. He was in his late 80s and lived a long good life. So his death does not bring on so much of a sad feeling but rather a smile and a few tears.

Some of my favorite childhood memories have to do with Uncle J out on his cow farm in Bonham, TX. We would go out there about every other summer when I was growing up. They had EVERYTHING out there. Of course he had cows, and then he had a couple of ponds that he stocked with catfish. It is the first place I ever fished. I love to catch those fish but I hate having to take them off the line. But we did always get to eat our catch so that was fun. The gutting part not so much fun, but the eating YUM YUM!

One of my favorite stories to tell was when I was 7 years old and we were out fishing at a pond close to the house. And I had to use the bathroom so J just told me walk on through the cow pasture up to the house. So I started walking in my shorts and big rubber boots when I noticed that the cows started to follow me. Then next thing I know they started to circle around me. Again I am just 7 years old and I am a city girl so I had no clue the cows thought I was there to feed them. I got really scared because all these cows were in my face just a MOOING away. I thought they were going to eat me!!!! I knew I had no chance to fight them off so I just sat down in the mud and started to cry. Little did I know that Aunt Alene and my mom were on the back porch laughing up a storm just watching it. Finally Aunt Alene came out and scared them off.

There are many more memories I have from Uncle J's. The storm shelter, the four wheelers, they go on and on. I love that the Lord allowed me those summers with Uncle J and his cows. Childhood memories are the best and we must forever cherish them.

So tonight I say a pray for Uncle J and the family. He was a strong Christian man who was a big influence on many people's life. Thank you Lord for the time we all had with him.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Alright folks, beside the start of ski season, the start of College Football is my favorite time of the year. I have loved football since I was a little girl. It all started with my crush on Joe Montana when I was 5 and he played for the 49ers. Once he retired I gave up on NFL, I do watch it some but not have to be home for the kickoff kind of watch it, like I do with College Football.

As many of you know I am a HUGE Notre Dame fan, thanks to Joe Montana and I love me some Red Raiders here in Lubbock. (Side note I almost broke my ankle one time cheering for Notre Dame) Lucky for me Notre Dame is on TV about 75% of their season and Tech is in town so if I can sweet talk someone into getting me tickets I can go. So really best of both world here for my two college teams that I enjoy.

Zibby, my dog was named after a Notre Dame player, Tom Zbikowski who played for ND back in 2005-2007. He use to like to sport his Notre Dame Jersey but he got a little fat for it and I have not purchased him a new one yet. He also likes Tech, and loves to wear his Tech hoodie. Okay if you look close at the photos you can tell he really hates it when I dress him up, BUT he is so cute when I do it!

Anyway, Saturday morning Zibby and I will be getting up really early to get all our running around over with so we can be ready for the Notre Dame game at 1:30, GO IRISH. And just my luck the Tech game is on Sunday this weekend at 2:30 so I don't have to flip back between games. RAIDER POWER. Both teams have a new coach this year so I am excited to see the new flow of the game.

I AM JUST SO EXCITED!!!! Get out your favorite team shirts and jersey and support your teams this weekend it is GAME TIME!!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Pop-Up to Reading!!!

I have never been much of a reader. I don't have trouble reading, it just has never excited me the way it does for some people. I have a crazy imagination, but I never could use it in reading. Some people say they can read a book and see it playing out in their mind. I on the other hand need pictures! Words on a paper don't mean much to me unless you have pictures.

Yes I do work in Marketing and enjoy the visual side of my job more then the grammatical side. Most the time if you see me in Barnes and Noble I am in the kids section. Usually sitting down looking at the Pop-Up books. Those are my favorite!!! It is like a surprise on every page you never know what is going to pop out at you. If my boss would let me I would figure out some way to make my marketing items pop-up brochures.

But lately, reading pop-up books and kids picture books has sparked a new strange interest in my life, reading regular non-picture books. I can not explain how this happened, but lately I have found myself not turning on the TV at night, but rather grabbing a book and reading. Now I know all you teachers out there are SO EXCITED so enjoy that statement. I still have not learned how to make the book come to life yet, but that is fine. I still enjoy it.

I have not put picture books away for good. You will still find me in the kids sections at B&N. And I am writing my own kids picture book. It will be a classic I can feel. It will be out within the next month I hope.

Now I must get back to reading after I am done watching some TV!!!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

We Can Learn A Lot From Teenagers!

This last post about our LA Mission Trip I really want to take the time to brag on our teens in the youth group. I have been volunteering with the Monterey Youth Group for over ten years now. Mainly because it really is fun, but also because the Monterey Teen Ministry made such an impact in my life I just wanted to give back. I always say that I don't know if I could be a teenager in this day and age. There was so much temptation when I was a teen in the 90s and I know it has doubled since my days. So I just hope that the few hours they get to spend with me each week really helps to keep them motivated for the Lord.

With that all said, this year on Mission Trip the Teens were AMAZING!!!! I am not kidding, they were go getters all the way. Ready and willing to work with anything that anyone came up with for them to do. They cleaned kitchens, got blisters on their hands from digging, mowed lawns, you name it the kids did it that week. They were especially ready and willing to sit and listen and get to know the homeless and less fortunate. The teens saw no color, no smell, no torn clothes on any person, all they saw was a child of God that needed love. And they gave the love with smiles and open arms with many hugs.

Our teens took the verse from 1 Timothy 4:12, Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but be an example for other believers in your speech, behavior, love, faithfulness and purity. They made that verse come to life that week. The teens were a true example to this believer and the many other sponsors on the trip. Their speech, behavior and love was seen by many eyes and felt by many hearts.

Monterey Teens I love you guys so much. You mean the world to me and the many other sponsors that help out with you. Thank you so much for being such a strong example for us, the church, and the many people we meet in LA and in Lubbock.

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Power of a Story

The lady in the middle is Carol. I met Carol on Monday our first full day of work in LA. I met her at this amazing place on Skid Row called Urban Connection. The best way to describe Urban Connection and what they do, well it is best to use their own words, "The Urban Connection decided to make a home on Skid Row with the intent of becoming a place where volunteers can create long-lasting relationships with the homeless, and more importantly, where the homeless can feel safe building a long-lasting relationship with Christ." They do some amazing work there and really allow the volunteers to connect with the homeless there on skid row and not just feed them and go on our way.

Carol is a disciple at Urban Connection. She lives there and well she made a big impact on me the afternoon I was able to spend with her. She has an amazing story, of struggle and heartbreak. Carol tells her story with pride, not because she wants to show off her triumph of being close to a year sober from drugs and alcohol. No she tells her story with pride because she wants to show off the triumph of our Lord. She wants all young and old to hear the wonderful ways the Lord has transformed her. Carol wants the young to know that the Lord is the way, and if you make mistakes it is not the end there is hope. She wants the older to not take the Lord's love for granted, but rather to praise him everyday for all we have been given. I can not tell Carol's story because I feel I could not give it justice. I hope that she will one day write it down for me to share with you all. Because her words are so powerful.
Carol is just one of many on Skid Row that are doing everything they can to turn their lives around, and Urban Connection is a big part of that. Urban Connection runs off of donations. So if you have been searching for an organization to support please do consider this one. They are doing amazing work.

You can go to their website to learn more:

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Worship on the Beach, there is NOTHING like it!

I wanted to start out with this story because this might have been one of times during the week that I felt so close to God. I knew He was right beside me during the whole week, walking with me and enjoying the time we were able to spend with the many people of LA. But on Wednesday of that week, well I really don't have words to express what I felt that day so I will try to just tell you.

Wednesday was my groups day at Venice Beach.We first started the morning out by stopping and getting some donuts and water and heading over to Echo Park, which is what the picture is above, and just handing those out to anyone there. Some people were homeless, some were out for a jog, it is just really fun to see the faces of people when you do random acts of kindness like that.
From there we went to Albertsons to buy our lunch for us and for the people on Hippie Hill. We made sure that we purchased food that we would like to eat, because it is probably what the people we would be sharing food with would want to eat as well. We made our way out to Venice and met our friends out there. Some of the people were new friends, some were friends that we had met in the years past. Eric our youth minister had been taking the groups out there all week so they knew who he was for sure. We sat and enjoyed lunch with them and had many laughs. We met Andre, was from Russia and was a joy to talk to. And Timothy who remembered one of our group members from when we were there last year.

We also met Abraham, and with him is when I had my moment with the Lord. Abraham has been at Venice for many years and I have met him before. On this day he had just returned to the beach and had a very hurt knee so he was just laying out on the beach. Two of our young ladies went over and were talking to him and then they came over to us and asked if would would go sing on the beach with them. That was AMAZING!!!!
This photo above just says it all. It is true that picture is worth a million words. We sat there and praised the Lord with Abraham for about 15 or 20 mins. It was one of the best times of Worship that I have ever had in my 31 years.

I thank the Lord everyday for this moment I was able to have with him, the teens and Abraham. The Lord was on the beach that day, and he is there everyday.

Praise the LORD.
How good it is to sing praises to our God,
how pleasant and fitting to praise him!
~Psalm 147:1

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Mission Trips, me changing the world or is the world changing me?

I just got back from a WONDERFUL week in Los Angeles, California with a great group of teenagers and sponsors. We went out there for our yearly mission trip. This is not the first time I have been to LA for the mission trip, but this year it was the first time I came back feeling totally different.

In years past I have gone and focused more on our teens and making sure they are okay and doing what they should and not getting in trouble or hurt. Which I still did that this year, but I did not place 100% of my focus on just them. I prayed before I went out there about being more focused on the people we would be meeting and getting to know. I wanted to be the face of Jesus to the people on Skid Row, Venice Beach, and the kids at Urban Rescue, and the other areas we worked. I wanted to be open to listening to them, and let them tell their stories and cry on my shoulder. And I know the Lord answered my prays and guided me in that way this past week.

Let me give a little background for those who don't know what we did. Skid Row is what LA describes as a 50-square-block section of downtown LA were 7,000 to 8,000 homeless "reside". It is considered as "the homeless capital of the world." Our group went down there everyday, not to preach but to listen. To be where Jesus would be, walking and talking to his people. To teach VBS on a roof to children that lived in a Rescue Mission in that area. Mainly we went down there to LOVE and show LOVE.

We also went to Venice Beach, it is a very popular tourist attraction in LA. But we were not there to just look around and enjoy the beach. Each day a different group would go and buy the food they would want for lunch but also extra. Then they would take it to a location in Venice called Hippie Hill, where most of the homeless in that area hang out. We would not just drop the food off and run, no we sat and ate with them. Talked with them, told them our stories and in return had them tell us theirs. We worshipped on the beach, sang praises to our Lord. Again showing LOVE and to all who came by.

I have some stories to tell, which I will in the next few post, about some amazing people that taught me while I was there. I just ask that you stop today and pray for these locations in LA. But also for our homeless and troubled here in Lubbock. They all need our prays no matter what location they are currently in.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Bike Adventures Cont.

So not to bore anyone I did make the Bike Adventure into a two parter. So here is the rest of the bike accidents up to the most recent.

So when I last left you I was 16 with a bunch of rocks in my elbow. Well it does not end there. Move on up to the age of 26 I think, which is strange that these things keep happening every 10 years. I should keep that in mind and not ride during those times. BUT anyway I had just bought a new bike and was so excited to be riding again. One Saturday I was out riding on a very windy day in Lubbock. For those who do not live in Lubbock, when the wind blows here it can get pretty crazy. So it was not a long ride but on my way home I was riding past an alley just as one of the dumpster lids, which are heavy plastic, ripped off a dumpster and blew right under my front tire. Stopped my bike and whipped my head right into the handle bars then flipped me over and the bike landed right on my face. Out of this had a fractured cheek bone and a concussion.

Now for all your mothers out there wondering has she been wearing a helmet during all these events, NO I was not. I know you do not have to give me a hard time, I now do wear a helmet and you will find out why soon.

One really funny bike story, which just happened when I was 28, so I think I have ended the 10 year streak. But I was out riding on the sidewalk in the neighborhood and I looked back to see my back tire was going flat and when I looked back up I was taken down by a low tree limb. I flew off onto my back while my bike just kept going. No big injury here just a good story.

Now on to the most current event that now has me riding an indoor bike for the time being and wearing a helmet from now on. It just happened in May and I was out riding one Monday night around 8:30pm. A perfect night, sun still out, no wind, around 85 degrees. I am on my way home after a 2 mile ride and I was on the street pretty close to the curb. When a big blue pick up truck came whipping around the corner. I thought there was no way it was going to hit me but I threw my right hand up any way. And sure enough the big side mirror took me out. Hit my hand, which made me hit my face which then knocked me back and I hit my head on the curb. BUT I was wearing my helmet or it could have been really bad. I had a broken right hand and some bruised ribs but I was really lucky. What was so bad was that it was a hit and run so there was nothing I could do because no one was around to see it.

So folks that is where are I am at right now. My mom let me have their indoor bike for me to ride and she keeps saying that she is going to sale my bike when I am out of town this weekend. I won’t stop riding my bike, I like it to much. BUT I will from now on wear a helmet and hope for the best.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

I like to ride my bike BUT.........

I have always enjoyed riding my bike. I never have been much of a runner so bike riding has been my ways of doing cardio besides walking. But just because I love riding my bike does not mean the bike and I have always had good times. Here are a few of my BIG accidents on the bike.

Lets start when I was 6 years old, I had the training wheels off for a while now and I was moving right along. Following my big brother around on my pink and purple bike, with a basket on the front. I would try pop wheelies and anything the boys were doing. So one Friday morning in June my brother and I were out riding around with friends. For some reason my brother had a shoe lace tied to his handle bars and it looked pretty cool flying around as he went fast. So I stopped him and asked what he was doing. He told me he was testing the wind speed, I have no clue what he meant by that, but of course I wanted to try. So he put it on my handle bars. And it went down the block, the shoe lace was flying like crazy. But as I started to come back I started going really fast and sure enough next thing I know I was flying over the handle bars and right onto my left arm. Yes folks as you can guess the shoe lace did get stuck in the spokes and took me down. A nice clean brake in my arm, and was out of swimming lessons and a lot of fun that summer.

Fast forward to 10 years later when I am 16 years old. The summer before my Junior year in high school, I was riding my 10 speed bike on a regular basis trying to stay in shape for Volleyball season. One day just out riding around the neighborhood, and I stop to say hi to some friends. And sure enough as I get back on and start peddling one of the peddles comes off. Sending me over the handle bars again right onto my left elbow and my back. Nothing was broken, except the bike, just some nasty rode rash on my back and elbow. My dad spent about an hour picking rocks out of my elbow.

Nope it does not end there. Move on up to the age of 26 I think, which is strange that these things keep happening every 10 years. I should keep that in mind and not ride during those times. BUT anyway I had just bought a new bike and was so excited to be riding again. One Saturday I was out riding on a very windy day in Lubbock. For those who do not live in Lubbock, when the wind blows here it can get pretty crazy.

I will end this now and tell you about the rest on another day. It only gets better trust me!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

They grow up so FAST!

I know that Zibby is a dog, but he is just as much a child. He is really smart, and makes me laugh all the time. AND he is always so happy to see me when I come home, which always makes me feel good. So Zibby is turning 3 years old on Sunday. I always get him some kind of HUGE bone that takes him a day or two to eat. I might even get him a party hat, I know he hates to wear them but I love to dress him up. Enjoy the video I made of him.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

WOW I skipped a WHOLE MONTH!

So sorry I did not blog once in April. A lot did happen in that month. I bought my house that I have been renting for 6 years. YEP, the picture says it all! Everyone keeps saying I am all grown up. I would have to say they are wrong. And I can prove it! Also in April I spent two wonderful weeks being a kid again with our church youth group on our Spring Retreats. Wonderful time.

Working with the youth help keep me young and out of control and always having a good time. Here is a little video I made from some of the good time we had this past Friday at Middle School night out. I LOVE THESE KIDS!!!! I am so blessed to be able to work with these kids.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

When Did I Grow Up?!?!?!?

Now don't think to much into that title. I still and probably never will act my age when I am out and about. I do live a life of trying to find crazy fun in everything little thing I do. And yes it has gotten me in trouble, and injured, but also it makes for some great stories. But recently I have started seeing something different in me, something that seems more grown up.

It is not in the way I act but more in the way I react to situations and news and such. Right now I am in the process of trying to purchase the townhouse that I have been renting for 6 years. YEP a very a grown on thing to do I know. But the thing that really struck me is how I am dealing with trying to come up with the money for a down payment. In my 20's, which is not that far back I would just like everyone to know, I would have FREAKED out if I was told I needed to come up with thousands of dollars. I would have thought that there would be no way and probably cry in the shower some and have a nice little pity party. But no not this time! As a 31 year old single lady (that is a hint for all the single guys reading this) I have looked at the contract, told them the contour offer I wanted to make and left the office determined to find the money to get this place. No tears, no worries just some prays asking the Lord if this is the right thing for me to do then I pray he guides me the right way.

Oh but the story does not end there. I go over to my parents house and my dad is so sweet to take my car in to get the oil changed for me. He comes back to let me know that something on the front rear drive that keeps everything together on the car is about to fall off and I will need to get a new one. 20 year old me would again have FLIPPED out. I mean I am trying to get money to buy a house and then I find out I need a $300 dollar part on my car also. But not 31 year old me, nope I just asked how long I have until this thing for sure is just going to drop. (Which I have to say if it does just fall off while I am driving and then my front tires fall off too, as long as there is no huge wreck involved with that I think I would get a good laugh out of it) He says we have a few months and so I go okay I will make it work.

Last night as I laid down to sleep, that is when it all hit me that I have grown up a little. That I now see that money is just money and it comes and goes. The Lord has already made me one of the richest people ever. And after working so much with the homeless I have no reason to complain at all. Things need to be bought, things break and need to be fixed. But then those are just things, and things here on earth. I like to think that I have already purchased my house up in heaven, and the down payment for that one was a lot easier. And I won't need a car up there because I am pretty sure the Lord is going to let me bounce from cloud to cloud. So why worry about the little things down here, they are fun and I am very excited to own a house. But the excitement for up above is even greater.

So don't worry folks, no this crazy red head is not going to be acting all mature anytime soon. She is just going to keep rolling with the flow and loving the Lord and all his creations even more.

BUT if you would like to donate to the "Keep Amanda From Having to Live in a Box Fund" just let me know!!!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Over spring break I was able to go up to St. Louis and see my niece and nephews!!! I can not tell you how much I love being the fun crazy aunt. I get to spoil and go crazy with them and then I leave. My niece and nephews each have a little bit of their crazy Aunt Manda in them. And I have video proof of this. Enjoy!

Friday, March 12, 2010


So yesterday I skipped out on work to go skiing up at Ski Apache in Ruidoso, NM. It was the most powder I have ever skied on. It was so much fun, exhausting BUT FUN!!! I went up with Eric and Aaron the two youth minister's at my church. I have known Aaron just about all my life so he is like a little brother to me. And Eric was my youth minister so he is a big brother. Good times!

For those that don't know, not sure who all reads this, but I LOVE SKIING! I have to say it is the best time I have to bond with the Lord because you are among his beauty!!!! I love to get to the top of the mountain and just stop and stare out for a while before I take off. I was a ski instructor up at Ski Apache right after I graduated from college. It was wonderful. I was able to teach people something that I loved to do. Four months of skiing everyday, it does not get better then that. But then I had to start paying back my students loans so I had to get a really job. To bad ;o(! I do love to hit the snow whenever I can. So yesterday was extra special, not only was I getting to ski BUT it was the best snow EVER. We went up to the Bowl part and no one was up there so we were able to make fresh tracks in snow that was a little past our knees. I learned I never want to go back country skiing, that is mega powder and I don't think I can handle that. Also I learned I am really out of shape, which I kind of already knew, but I always hope for the best.

Anyway, just wanted to share my crazy fun day with you all. We have some good stories if you want to hear them let me know.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010


So February is over, that month is always over in a blink. On to March, which is a good month. We have March Madness, the only time I like to watch basketball on TV. Spring Break, which I usually go see my nephews and niece, leaving this Saturday can't wait. AND Spring Skiing, which means being able to ski with not so many layers on and getting a SWEET sunglass tan.

February into March was a pretty rough month I have to say. There was some deaths of really good friend and a sweet baby that has been fighting since birth. But the great part is knowing that they are no longer hurting and in Heaven with our Great God. GIVE IT UP FOR THE G-O-D!

As for the laugh of the day here is the great new case/cover for the new iPad coming out in April.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Let the Games Begin!

This Friday will be the Opening Ceremonies for the Winter Olympics. I love the Olympics, summer and winter. BUT since I am such a big skier and love the cold and the snow I enjoy watching the winter just a little more. This year it is in Vancouver, Canada. So the time difference will not be all that bad so we should get to see more events and not have to wait up until 1 or 2 in the morning.

Since I have been making list lately I will give you all my top five sports I love to watch:
5. Bobsleigh and the Luge
They are a tie because they are a lot alike. I would one day love to experience these events. And just so you know I did love the bobsleigh event even before I saw the movie Cool Running. But after the movie my love for this sport grew greatly.
4. Ski Jumping
This is something I would never do, BUT it gets me so excited watching it. I will be honest I do not sit down while watching this. Maybe it is from doing it on the wii board, but I stand and pretend to jump when they do.
3. Figure Skating and Curling
This is another tie. Both can seem very boring but for some reason I can not tear myself away for the TV when it they are on.
2. Alpine Skiing and Snowboarding
This are just fun to watch and make you want to get out on the snow. Snowboard cross is really fun to watch because they can throw punches at each other. It gets intense.
1. Freestyle Skiing
SO MUCH FUN TO WATCH! I just wish I could do all the tricks these people can.

There you have it folks. You know what I will be doing for the next two weeks, watching me some Olympic fun. GO USA!!!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Status 101: What is on your Mind?

I have a good friend, Abby, SHOUT OUT TO YOU GIRL, go read her blog it is FUN And she wrote about Facebook status earlier this week, and I had to agree with her 100%. Facebook was never meant to be a serious place folks. Twitter is more serious, and where you need to give us your political views and cry to the world. Facebook is were the fun people play.

So today we will have a quick Status 101 lesson. I have looked back at my statuses throughout the past 2 and half years. (Yes you can do that I know it is amazing what technology can do these days.) And I have learned that my top five favorite words to say are:

1. day used : 17x

2. dog used : 13x

3. fun used : 11x

4. good used : 11x

5. really used : 10x

What does this show us, well not much but that I like to talk about my day and dog a WHOLE BUNCH! BUT look at number 3 and 4, it is clear that I talk more about fun and good things rather then things that bring people down. Random fun is what Facebook is all about and keeping up with long lost friends. Let me give you some examples of the random fun that pops in my head that winds up on my Facebook status:

I may not be smart, good looking, or rich, BUT I am available!!!!!

I wish the candy machine would take pennies! I have a lot of pennies, what do they have against pennies?

Is pretty sure God wanted some of us to just be round!


Learned that trying to do a tornado drill with you dog is not an easy thing. But we are now ready for ANYTHING!!!!

Who needs friends when you have a goat that loves you!

Is not feeling so good, But gosh my hair looked good today!!!

Got bucked off a chicken, oh yes I did!!!!

Oh Taco Villa Hot Sauce you get me EVERY TIME!!!!

Has on her business socks, because it's business time!

Says "don't get involved with drugs, just fill your life with hugs!

All I am saying is have a good time with Facebook and life my friends. Life is to short to stress out about everything and then tell everyone about it. Go on, thank of something random and pop it on your Facebook, it will make you feel better and many others that read it.

Monday, February 1, 2010

A Mall in the Sky!!

I like to travel. I love taking road trips with my family and some good friends. I am the type of person that likes to stop at the strange road side attractions that can be a waste of your money BUT make for some great pictures. I also like to fly, it gets you there quicker and you have a little more time to enjoy the destination you are going.

With that said probably the BEST part about flying is the Sky Mall catalog. For those who do not know what a Sky Mall catalog is, well it is this catalog full of all this stuff that you really don't need but you still want it. Basically like a regular catalog but it is only found in planes, and also online.

Here are the top 10 items I would purchase from this catalog IF I had so much money and I could waste it on stuff like this:

10: Big Foot Garden Yeti:
I feel this would be a great thing to have because you can just place it throughout your neighborhood and see if people start calling in sightings.
9:The Offering Wall Sculpture:
This just looks like a very handy, ha ha ha get it, thing to have. Who does not need a extra set of hands at home now and then. I could also see me placing this in my office to hold keys and other items.
8:Mademoiselle Floor Lamp:
This just makes me laugh. I am sure it would FREAK me out every time I came home to a dark house. But for some reason I just WANT IT!

7: Talons of the Dunheviel Dragon:
HA HA, who does not want a couple of Dragon Talons holding a sward on their wall?!?!?!?
6. Dweller Below:
I think this would be funny to have in your front yard to make people think someone is watching them all the time!

5. Zombie of Montclaire Moors:
Again why not freak the neighbors out year round and not just at Halloween. Of course you might get reported for having graves in your front yard.
4. Digital Camera Swim Mask:
This just looks fun. I go to the lake a lot and my brother is moving to CA soon so there will be the ocean there. Who does not love a good underwater photo!
3. Basho the Sumo Wrestler:
I would set him on top of the huge rock I have in my front yard. He would be the guard of my casa!
2. Basho the Sumo Wrestler Table:
You can't just have the Sumo Wrestler and not have the table. You have to get the set. This one makes me really laugh because I just wonder if you get a sumo bottom sticking out since the guy is bent over!
1. Socrates the Gargoyle Thinker:
This one just makes me laugh so HARD! I never knew Gargoyle's had so great bodies. He is a well fit Gargoyle that is for sure.
So now you folks know if you need any gift ideas for me. Or you can just get me a gift card to Sky Mall. I would use if for sure, no wasted money there!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Oh 2010 is among us. And what a fun COLD way to start out the year. I have always been one that enjoys the cold. Never really turned the heater on much UNTIL THIS YEAR. This winter is starting out to be a very cold one, like Mountain Top cold. Which I enjoy when I am all decked out in my ski stuff skiing down a mountain. But not really enjoying it when I have to dress up for work and walk a distance to get to the building. Anyway I still keep the heater on but it is set very low, I don't want to freeze my baby Zibby!

Speaking of the baby Zibby, I had a very fun day with him on Sunday. I am pretty sure some insect bit him on the nose while he was outside that morning. Around 10am, we are heading over to my parents house and I look over at him and his left side of his face is swollen. I mean his eye was really fat and his left side of his mouth was fat. I was a little worried, but he was not acting like he felt bad. I got over to my parents house and they had allergy pills so we gave him one. We kept watching him and soon the swelling went to his nose, which WAS REALLY FUNNY TO SEE! His nose was BIG and he look a little like a pit bull with a huge nose. (Sad to say none of the pictures I tried to take turned out well so I do not have any photos of this experience.) But he was still eating and acting fine so we did not worry much. I watched him the rest of the day and the swelling went over to his right side of his face then he had bumps all the way down his back. So we gave him one more allergy pill and he slept for the rest of the day. Waking up on Monday just fine, no more swelling and by the afternoon he was back to his old self. Needless to say it was my first experience with a bug bite and my child. I now know why my mother laughs at me when I have a black eye and my face swells up. It is kind of funny looking.

Happy to say he is all better and we are doing great, just trying to stay warm in Lubbock. Hope you all are doing well with the start of the year. I am excited about 2010 I don't know why I just feel there will be a lot of fun to be had this year. I will keep you posted!!!