Monday, January 3, 2011

Wet Squirrels Make Me Giggle

First off OF COURSE HAPPY NEW YEAR! It is 2011 and I have to say when I was a little girl never would I have thought that I would see 2011. You think that way after all the head injuries!!!! But here I am another year and I am ready!!!

2010 was a FUN crazy year. I loved every second of it, even when I got hit by the truck on my bike. It makes for a great laugh now and might have been the most exciting thing that happened to me that year.

But now we are in 2011. I will not make the promise of writing more, because really I only write when something good is in my head that I feel you would want to know or get a good laugh out of. That happens here in there so you never know when you will be hearing from me.

What I can tell you is over the holiday I bought myself a new calendar for my office, half price wooohoo!!!! Any way it is a magnetic poetry calendar, which if you don't know are the these little word magnetics that you get for your fridge at home. And you can sit and make poems or just funny sentences. So now I have a board like that in my office. And of course I sit and make funny sentences. The first being the GREAT title you see above. If you are in the neighborhood of my office you should stop by and play sometime.

Well once again I hope 2011 is and exciting fun year for all you folks. I know it will be for me!