Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Let the Games Begin!

This Friday will be the Opening Ceremonies for the Winter Olympics. I love the Olympics, summer and winter. BUT since I am such a big skier and love the cold and the snow I enjoy watching the winter just a little more. This year it is in Vancouver, Canada. So the time difference will not be all that bad so we should get to see more events and not have to wait up until 1 or 2 in the morning.

Since I have been making list lately I will give you all my top five sports I love to watch:
5. Bobsleigh and the Luge
They are a tie because they are a lot alike. I would one day love to experience these events. And just so you know I did love the bobsleigh event even before I saw the movie Cool Running. But after the movie my love for this sport grew greatly.
4. Ski Jumping
This is something I would never do, BUT it gets me so excited watching it. I will be honest I do not sit down while watching this. Maybe it is from doing it on the wii board, but I stand and pretend to jump when they do.
3. Figure Skating and Curling
This is another tie. Both can seem very boring but for some reason I can not tear myself away for the TV when it they are on.
2. Alpine Skiing and Snowboarding
This are just fun to watch and make you want to get out on the snow. Snowboard cross is really fun to watch because they can throw punches at each other. It gets intense.
1. Freestyle Skiing
SO MUCH FUN TO WATCH! I just wish I could do all the tricks these people can.

There you have it folks. You know what I will be doing for the next two weeks, watching me some Olympic fun. GO USA!!!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Status 101: What is on your Mind?

I have a good friend, Abby, SHOUT OUT TO YOU GIRL, go read her blog it is FUN http://www.abbyed.blogspot.com/. And she wrote about Facebook status earlier this week, and I had to agree with her 100%. Facebook was never meant to be a serious place folks. Twitter is more serious, and where you need to give us your political views and cry to the world. Facebook is were the fun people play.

So today we will have a quick Status 101 lesson. I have looked back at my statuses throughout the past 2 and half years. (Yes you can do that I know it is amazing what technology can do these days.) And I have learned that my top five favorite words to say are:

1. day used : 17x

2. dog used : 13x

3. fun used : 11x

4. good used : 11x

5. really used : 10x

What does this show us, well not much but that I like to talk about my day and dog a WHOLE BUNCH! BUT look at number 3 and 4, it is clear that I talk more about fun and good things rather then things that bring people down. Random fun is what Facebook is all about and keeping up with long lost friends. Let me give you some examples of the random fun that pops in my head that winds up on my Facebook status:

I may not be smart, good looking, or rich, BUT I am available!!!!!

I wish the candy machine would take pennies! I have a lot of pennies, what do they have against pennies?

Is pretty sure God wanted some of us to just be round!


Learned that trying to do a tornado drill with you dog is not an easy thing. But we are now ready for ANYTHING!!!!

Who needs friends when you have a goat that loves you!

Is not feeling so good, But gosh my hair looked good today!!!

Got bucked off a chicken, oh yes I did!!!!

Oh Taco Villa Hot Sauce you get me EVERY TIME!!!!

Has on her business socks, because it's business time!

Says "don't get involved with drugs, just fill your life with hugs!

All I am saying is have a good time with Facebook and life my friends. Life is to short to stress out about everything and then tell everyone about it. Go on, thank of something random and pop it on your Facebook, it will make you feel better and many others that read it.

Monday, February 1, 2010

A Mall in the Sky!!

I like to travel. I love taking road trips with my family and some good friends. I am the type of person that likes to stop at the strange road side attractions that can be a waste of your money BUT make for some great pictures. I also like to fly, it gets you there quicker and you have a little more time to enjoy the destination you are going.

With that said probably the BEST part about flying is the Sky Mall catalog. For those who do not know what a Sky Mall catalog is, well it is this catalog full of all this stuff that you really don't need but you still want it. Basically like a regular catalog but it is only found in planes, and also online.

Here are the top 10 items I would purchase from this catalog IF I had so much money and I could waste it on stuff like this:

10: Big Foot Garden Yeti:
I feel this would be a great thing to have because you can just place it throughout your neighborhood and see if people start calling in sightings.
9:The Offering Wall Sculpture:
This just looks like a very handy, ha ha ha get it, thing to have. Who does not need a extra set of hands at home now and then. I could also see me placing this in my office to hold keys and other items.
8:Mademoiselle Floor Lamp:
This just makes me laugh. I am sure it would FREAK me out every time I came home to a dark house. But for some reason I just WANT IT!

7: Talons of the Dunheviel Dragon:
HA HA, who does not want a couple of Dragon Talons holding a sward on their wall?!?!?!?
6. Dweller Below:
I think this would be funny to have in your front yard to make people think someone is watching them all the time!

5. Zombie of Montclaire Moors:
Again why not freak the neighbors out year round and not just at Halloween. Of course you might get reported for having graves in your front yard.
4. Digital Camera Swim Mask:
This just looks fun. I go to the lake a lot and my brother is moving to CA soon so there will be the ocean there. Who does not love a good underwater photo!
3. Basho the Sumo Wrestler:
I would set him on top of the huge rock I have in my front yard. He would be the guard of my casa!
2. Basho the Sumo Wrestler Table:
You can't just have the Sumo Wrestler and not have the table. You have to get the set. This one makes me really laugh because I just wonder if you get a sumo bottom sticking out since the guy is bent over!
1. Socrates the Gargoyle Thinker:
This one just makes me laugh so HARD! I never knew Gargoyle's had so great bodies. He is a well fit Gargoyle that is for sure.
So now you folks know if you need any gift ideas for me. Or you can just get me a gift card to Sky Mall. I would use if for sure, no wasted money there!