My mom said something pretty funny to me the other day. She was telling me about how a parent was complaining about how her son was texting without her permission. And my mom said, "All I could think about was how happy I was that you were raised in the stone-age. Before cell-phones and all other computer junk!"
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Glad I grew up in the Stone-Age
My mom said something pretty funny to me the other day. She was telling me about how a parent was complaining about how her son was texting without her permission. And my mom said, "All I could think about was how happy I was that you were raised in the stone-age. Before cell-phones and all other computer junk!"
Monday, October 4, 2010
Forever A Daddy's Girl
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Ode to Cereal
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Cow was Going to EAT ME!!!!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
Pop-Up to Reading!!!
I have not put picture books away for good. You will still find me in the kids sections at B&N. And I am writing my own kids picture book. It will be a classic I can feel. It will be out within the next month I hope.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
We Can Learn A Lot From Teenagers!
This last post about our LA Mission Trip I really want to take the time to brag on our teens in the youth group. I have been volunteering with the Monterey Youth Group for over ten years now. Mainly because it really is fun, but also because the Monterey Teen Ministry made such an impact in my life I just wanted to give back. I always say that I don't know if I could be a teenager in this day and age. There was so much temptation when I was a teen in the 90s and I know it has doubled since my days. So I just hope that the few hours they get to spend with me each week really helps to keep them motivated for the Lord.
Monday, July 26, 2010
The Power of a Story
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Worship on the Beach, there is NOTHING like it!
I wanted to start out with this story because this might have been one of times during the week that I felt so close to God. I knew He was right beside me during the whole week, walking with me and enjoying the time we were able to spend with the many people of LA. But on Wednesday of that week, well I really don't have words to express what I felt that day so I will try to just tell you.
How good it is to sing praises to our God,
how pleasant and fitting to praise him!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Mission Trips, me changing the world or is the world changing me?
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Bike Adventures Cont.
So not to bore anyone I did make the Bike Adventure into a two parter. So here is the rest of the bike accidents up to the most recent.
So when I last left you I was 16 with a bunch of rocks in my elbow. Well it does not end there. Move on up to the age of 26 I think, which is strange that these things keep happening every 10 years. I should keep that in mind and not ride during those times. BUT anyway I had just bought a new bike and was so excited to be riding again. One Saturday I was out riding on a very windy day in Lubbock. For those who do not live in Lubbock, when the wind blows here it can get pretty crazy. So it was not a long ride but on my way home I was riding past an alley just as one of the dumpster lids, which are heavy plastic, ripped off a dumpster and blew right under my front tire. Stopped my bike and whipped my head right into the handle bars then flipped me over and the bike landed right on my face. Out of this had a fractured cheek bone and a concussion.
Now for all your mothers out there wondering has she been wearing a helmet during all these events, NO I was not. I know you do not have to give me a hard time, I now do wear a helmet and you will find out why soon.
One really funny bike story, which just happened when I was 28, so I think I have ended the 10 year streak. But I was out riding on the sidewalk in the neighborhood and I looked back to see my back tire was going flat and when I looked back up I was taken down by a low tree limb. I flew off onto my back while my bike just kept going. No big injury here just a good story.
Now on to the most current event that now has me riding an indoor bike for the time being and wearing a helmet from now on. It just happened in May and I was out riding one Monday night around 8:30pm. A perfect night, sun still out, no wind, around 85 degrees. I am on my way home after a 2 mile ride and I was on the street pretty close to the curb. When a big blue pick up truck came whipping around the corner. I thought there was no way it was going to hit me but I threw my right hand up any way. And sure enough the big side mirror took me out. Hit my hand, which made me hit my face which then knocked me back and I hit my head on the curb. BUT I was wearing my helmet or it could have been really bad. I had a broken right hand and some bruised ribs but I was really lucky. What was so bad was that it was a hit and run so there was nothing I could do because no one was around to see it.
So folks that is where are I am at right now. My mom let me have their indoor bike for me to ride and she keeps saying that she is going to sale my bike when I am out of town this weekend. I won’t stop riding my bike, I like it to much. BUT I will from now on wear a helmet and hope for the best.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
I like to ride my bike BUT.........
I have always enjoyed riding my bike. I never have been much of a runner so bike riding has been my ways of doing cardio besides walking. But just because I love riding my bike does not mean the bike and I have always had good times. Here are a few of my BIG accidents on the bike.
Lets start when I was 6 years old, I had the training wheels off for a while now and I was moving right along. Following my big brother around on my pink and purple bike, with a basket on the front. I would try pop wheelies and anything the boys were doing. So one Friday morning in June my brother and I were out riding around with friends. For some reason my brother had a shoe lace tied to his handle bars and it looked pretty cool flying around as he went fast. So I stopped him and asked what he was doing. He told me he was testing the wind speed, I have no clue what he meant by that, but of course I wanted to try. So he put it on my handle bars. And it went down the block, the shoe lace was flying like crazy. But as I started to come back I started going really fast and sure enough next thing I know I was flying over the handle bars and right onto my left arm. Yes folks as you can guess the shoe lace did get stuck in the spokes and took me down. A nice clean brake in my arm, and was out of swimming lessons and a lot of fun that summer.
Fast forward to 10 years later when I am 16 years old. The summer before my Junior year in high school, I was riding my 10 speed bike on a regular basis trying to stay in shape for Volleyball season. One day just out riding around the neighborhood, and I stop to say hi to some friends. And sure enough as I get back on and start peddling one of the peddles comes off. Sending me over the handle bars again right onto my left elbow and my back. Nothing was broken, except the bike, just some nasty rode rash on my back and elbow. My dad spent about an hour picking rocks out of my elbow.
Nope it does not end there. Move on up to the age of 26 I think, which is strange that these things keep happening every 10 years. I should keep that in mind and not ride during those times. BUT anyway I had just bought a new bike and was so excited to be riding again. One Saturday I was out riding on a very windy day in Lubbock. For those who do not live in Lubbock, when the wind blows here it can get pretty crazy.
I will end this now and tell you about the rest on another day. It only gets better trust me!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
They grow up so FAST!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
WOW I skipped a WHOLE MONTH!
So sorry I did not blog once in April. A lot did happen in that month. I bought my house that I have been renting for 6 years. YEP, the picture says it all! Everyone keeps saying I am all grown up. I would have to say they are wrong. And I can prove it! Also in April I spent two wonderful weeks being a kid again with our church youth group on our Spring Retreats. Wonderful time.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
When Did I Grow Up?!?!?!?
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
- It is called the iMaxi. Makes me laugh every time I see it. If you would like to purchase one you can go to this link and get one. And YES it does come in colors!!!!!!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Let the Games Begin!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Status 101: What is on your Mind?
1. day used : 17x
2. dog used : 13x
3. fun used : 11x
4. good used : 11x
5. really used : 10x
What does this show us, well not much but that I like to talk about my day and dog a WHOLE BUNCH! BUT look at number 3 and 4, it is clear that I talk more about fun and good things rather then things that bring people down. Random fun is what Facebook is all about and keeping up with long lost friends. Let me give you some examples of the random fun that pops in my head that winds up on my Facebook status:
I may not be smart, good looking, or rich, BUT I am available!!!!!
I wish the candy machine would take pennies! I have a lot of pennies, what do they have against pennies?
Oh Taco Villa Hot Sauce you get me EVERY TIME!!!!
Has on her business socks, because it's business time!
Monday, February 1, 2010
A Mall in the Sky!!
I like to travel. I love taking road trips with my family and some good friends. I am the type of person that likes to stop at the strange road side attractions that can be a waste of your money BUT make for some great pictures. I also like to fly, it gets you there quicker and you have a little more time to enjoy the destination you are going.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Oh 2010 is among us. And what a fun COLD way to start out the year. I have always been one that enjoys the cold. Never really turned the heater on much UNTIL THIS YEAR. This winter is starting out to be a very cold one, like Mountain Top cold. Which I enjoy when I am all decked out in my ski stuff skiing down a mountain. But not really enjoying it when I have to dress up for work and walk a distance to get to the building. Anyway I still keep the heater on but it is set very low, I don't want to freeze my baby Zibby!