I got a pretty good laugh out of that, because if you do think about it us children of the 80s really did not have all the craziness that is out there on the technology side these days. Which I have to say I am glad that I grew up in the 80s. The years of simple video games, board games and the excitement of getting a phone call or even your own phone line. That meant you were responsible when you had your own phone line in my house!

At this time I would like to take a moment of silence for the Sony Walkman who was put to rest just a few weeks ago. I will never forget my first cassette tape and my first walkman, my you rest in peace!
My parents were pretty lucky, I never have been much of a phone talker. I say it is because I am a little ADD and talking on the phone would get boring to me after a while. BUT if texting was around when I was a teenager, well then they would have had problems. Texting is short and to the point for me. And I have to think when I am typing everything out so that keeps me active in the discussion.
Now I don't have kids but I do have nephews and a niece and I am an adoptive aunt to many of my friends children. It is crazy to me when these parents tell me the story of how their two year old ask if they can text their dad. Or when my brother told me the story of how my nephew at two years old could go on their computer log his parents out and log onto under the special section they set up for him. Also I work with teenagers at church, so I see how cellphones and computer junk has taken over their life as well.
I guess what I am saying over all, I think I was pretty lucky to be raised the decades I was raised in. Yea a lot of things would have been easier with the stuff we have now. BUT learning how to do things the hard way has made me a better person.
For now bust out that Walkman or CD player if you still have one!!!!