Yes I do work in Marketing and enjoy the visual side of my job more then the grammatical side. Most the time if you see me in Barnes and Noble I am in the kids section. Usually sitting down looking at the Pop-Up books. Those are my favorite!!! It is like a surprise on every page you never know what is going to pop out at you. If my boss would let me I would figure out some way to make my marketing items pop-up brochures.
But lately, reading pop-up books and kids picture books has sparked a new strange interest in my life, reading regular non-picture books. I can not explain how this happened, but lately I have found myself not turning on the TV at night, but rather grabbing a book and reading. Now I know all you teachers out there are SO EXCITED so enjoy that statement. I still have not learned how to make the book come to life yet, but that is fine. I still enjoy it.
I have not put picture books away for good. You will still find me in the kids sections at B&N. And I am writing my own kids picture book. It will be a classic I can feel. It will be out within the next month I hope.
I have not put picture books away for good. You will still find me in the kids sections at B&N. And I am writing my own kids picture book. It will be a classic I can feel. It will be out within the next month I hope.
Now I must get back to reading after I am done watching some TV!!!!