Like the Woodsy Team, I went around singing Give a Hoot, Don't Pollute all the time. And when I saw someone pollute I would start singing it really loud so they could hear me.
And how can we forget all the GI JOE PSAs!!! GI JOE PSAs really made you stop and think. They had some about getting your eyes checked to don't talk to strangers. And they always ended with the saying "Knowing is half the battle!" (Quick side note, in the new GI JOE movie they said the, knowing is half the battle line and I laughed so HARD!)

There was also the Right to Say No PSA. It was a very catching song about Being an Original and taking a stand when a friend offers you drugs. Because we all do have the RIGHT TO SAY NO! It was this cool music video with this girl skateboarding around and had a GREAT SONG!

And the other good NO Drugs PSA is the guy with the egg. And he shows you the egg and says this is your brain. Then he cracks the egg and puts it in a frying pan and says this is your brain on drugs, any questions?
I guess what I am getting to is that no wonder our kids are so messed up these days. They do not have good PSAs to help push them to do the right thing. Whenever I think of polluting or talking to strangers. I first think of my those PSA and sit and wonder what would GI JOE do or Woodsy the Owl. Then I know what I should do and I do the right thing.
Bring back the PSAs TV folks. I really feel that it just might help make a better tomorrow.