Are you really ready for this Red Head from Texas?!?!? Not sure if anyone in Ireland reads this but just a fair warning I will be driving while I am over there. So keep all your cows and sheep's off the roads folk!!!!
Any way folks I leave tomorrow morning. SO excited, bet I don't sleep much tonight. I have been packed for two days, does that make me strange? We will be seeing U2 in concert while we are over there. SWEET, in their own back yard!!!! It will also only be around 65 degrees everyday. Very very nice!!!!
I will miss everyone, but I shall return. Unless I find a man to marry then I might not return. BUT that would mean that the wedding would probably be in Ireland SO everyone can come over then.
I might throw up some short blogs while I am there. Mostly pictures, I will save all the stories for when I get back.
On a side note. I just got the Oregan Trail app on my IPod Touch. OH yea stayed up two hours playing it last night. THAT GAME IS THE BOMB!!!!! Sorry Caydee you were died from a snake bite.
Everyone stay safe and cool here in the states. I promise some good blogs when I get back!!!!!