I LOVE cheese. It just might be the one item of food I could eat everyday all day! I don't drink milk so I count my cheese in take as my extra daily dose of calcium. Why do I bring this up you might ask. Really no reason, it is just what I was thinking about today. ALSO because Walmart started carrying my favorite type of cheese again. Smoked Swiss, YUM YUM. Yes they always carried it but you had to get it at the deli, now they are back to just having small blocks of it that you can grab and go.
Here are a few fun facts that I have learned over the years of my love for cheese:
1. There are over 2,000 varieties of cheeses!!! Most of them I love but I really am not a fan of stinky cheese. Even though I giggle every time I say stinky cheese.
2 The #1 cheese recipe in America is Macaroni and CHEESE. That should be no surprise.
3. The terms "Big Wheel" and "Big Cheese" originally referred to those who were wealthy enough to purchase a whole wheel of cheese. This picture is of me with a WHOLE wheel of cheese but I did not purchase it because I am not a "Big Cheese"
4. A giant wheel of Cheddar was given to Queen Victoria for a wedding gift. It weighed over 1,000 pounds. I put this so the few people that read my blog would know that I would not mind a giant wheel of Smoked Swiss Cheese for a wedding gift. NOT one weighing in at 1,000 pounds please!
5. There is such a thing as moose cheese. It is made in Sweden from the milk of a moose. How would you like to try and milk a moose?!?!?!
And I now live you with some GREAT CHEESE QUOTES:
"Worry is today's mice nibbling on tomorrow's cheese."
"Age is not important unless you're a cheese." Helen Hayes
"For centuries, people thought the moon was made of green cheese. Then the astronauts found that the moon is really a big hard rock. That's what happens to cheese when you leave it out."
"Nothing says holidays, like a cheese log." Ellen DeGeneres
SO folks go out and get you some cheese today!!!!!